Lest we again get all forgetful & such of the actual day...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the Father of our Country,
General George Washington.
Thank you Mr. President.
Now, go stare at a $1 bill...
Everybody's Memeing for the Weekend...
1 hour ago
Hard as a file, and... well, round.
This pic is of the air cleaner element from the wife’s Rav4. The little demons regularly work their way into the air cleaner, but the element keeps them from going further. Well, used to anyway.
The Rav was running poorly, & the throttle was acting weird. I checked out the linkage, lubed everything up, still NG. Then the throttle body was opened & bingo! A huge handful of mouse nest.
Cars run better without rodents.
That LAST one is proving to be a mighty bitch…