Wednesday, September 10, 2008

True Colors...

"Lipstick on a pig", my hairy Irish ass.

Go here to see what our folks are made of.


I forced myself to turn on the TV last evening to watch a bit of the news, as I had heard on the radio of the big rally for John/Sarah in Ohio.
So I’m watching the dipshit talking heads, & a guy comes on who is the pollster type, there to interpret the polls for us morons out here in America.
He’s droning on & on, remember now, he’s just a neutral (!) guy explaining the polls, when he gets to a part where Oboy’s numbers are down. Here he says (I paraphrase):

“The percentages have slipped, but we are still doing well in the overall trend”. (emphasis mine)



I did manage to get the TV turned off before it caught a round in the vitals.


Anonymous said...

There is no bias in the media.
Trust me.

/sarc off


Jay G said...

"I did manage to get the TV turned off before it caught a round in the vitals."

I've got an old 20" TV I could bring with me on Sunday if'n you'd like to play Elvis...

I mean, I know you've got the .44 and all...

Just sayin'...

Anonymous said...

DT is a .41 sort of guy. Trust me.
Leave the mouse gun at home.
