This is the time of year when the garden kind of lets go of life, after having faithfully served by feeding us for the entire summer.
The wife, years ago, has taken to blanching & freezing the Kentucky Wonder beans I grow because we can’t find any others that taste sooooo good.
The tomatoes are just about done, just waiting for the final ripening of the ones already on the vine. Cabbages, cukes, summer squash, zucchini, buh-bye. Peppers are still hangin’ in there, but the BEANS…
31 pounds in the freezer,
and, I just picked 6.75 pounds today! It’s the 4th week in October for cripe’s sake.
These plants are indeterminate, which in plant language, means they grow until the frost kills ‘em.
Frost would be good…
I always knew you were full of beans...
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